The remote operation can make us truly understand the concept of the global village, so with the client to introduce our new product demonstration draft are remote contact? Of course! Today blue1000 will share with you next PowerPoint 2010 how to realize remote presentation of the tutorial document.
The first step: the operation PowerPoint2010 beta, in a local computer open on making good in advance "new product description" PPT manuscripts, and then click on the icon in the upper left corner "file" menu, the drop-down menu choice in turn "sharing-radio slide" radio slides open window (as shown in figure 1-2), and in this it can trigger slides radio service.
Tip: use slides radio needs a Windows Live ID, if no need to register a; Another since is remote network radio, and then we have your computer to the Internet has. Of course, these are not the problem.
The second step: click "start broadcasting" button and then input Windows Live ID and password, will be connected to the PowerPoint radio server, and will now open "new product description" PPT to broadcast network manuscripts, later it will give a for remote view unpack check Web link (figure 3), click the "copy link" will the link to the customer, to notify the other party in the browser open this link, each other open will tip "wait for radio start," now you in local can click on "began to give a slide show" button of the new product of papers demonstrates, the other side also can synchronize to see your presentation. How, is a very convenient?
Tip: in the demo manuscripts radio view, are not directly to edit the manuscripts change, need to click "end radio" button to end the broadcast. In addition, you can also use this way to demonstrate the video with the customer slides, even if the other party not installed PowerPoint2010 that doesn't matter.