Sunday 19 August 2012

MBA's successful experience sharing: the persevering

The absence of one's deceased father grind students many, account for nearly a third of enrolment, there are inevitable objective cause, also have subjective psychological factors. How to overcome these psychological barrier, insist to the end? Below tell you a few small methods:

(1), often reflect on yourself. If you can every day seriously reflect on yourself, then you can every day from the advancement of the gain confidence, from daily leak fill a vacancy in progress again.

 (2), once someone has said: head immersed in water, people only longing is air, when you eager for success as eager to air as strong and urgent, then you can do anything. But how many people really strong desire to take an examination of grind? I'm afraid there is a lot of people or walk the one step calculate step, others one's deceased father grind, then I'm one's deceased father grind; Or and want to work and want to go to research, indecision, still wondering around. Now there are still a lot of people will ask: "you said, I can take an examination of?" These people are still not firm oneself can succeed, for them that success is almost impossible.

(3), to persist. Success is not favor those smart people, but pay attention to the most can adhere to the people. Now there are a lot of one's deceased father grind classmates asked the secret of success in the so-called what. The answer is very simple, it is a day to their set goals, and stick to it. For those three days fishermen fishnets for two days, he will not see their own future, because he did not insist on. And we all have their own learning trough, the perseverance does not mean every 7 point out self-study, evening after 10 return to the dormitory life, you can cleverly avoid trough, learning quantity can be flexible to reduce some, the persistence is refers to a little progress every day, has a good learning habit good.

(4), learning to ensure quality. Now self-study the classroom and a lot of people in the self-study, be of two minds, some eat, some just sit and have time, one day down also do not know to learn what. Had one's deceased father grind experience know, especially to want to go to the examination of the previous two months, the in the mind feel nervous, learning efficiency inevitable is not high. Hope you know time management, planning your time well, when study is taken seriously, don't make the whole piece of learning time break up, do this for a while, a short while dry that, because learning is interrupted, enthusiasm will decline.

(5), maintain the state of the health. Here's health not only refers to the health of the body, including psychological health, especially positive state of mind, some people in the whole one's deceased father grind process have to be so moist, it is because state of mind is good, and they can enjoy the happiness of study. Of course, the body is the capital of revolution, must exercise, life will have the law. Some people may be six months a year also not get sick, but because learning loss physical strength, every year someone because healthy reason and not set foot in the examination room, it is because there is no physical exercise or life without law. Exercise every day half an hour or two or three times weekly exercise for everyone, and is not hard, if so, it is an excuse. "If you believe that you can succeed, you will be successful!"

How to avoid the MBA examination exam most likely to make 10 errors

1) don't grasp the examination of the whole time distribution, meet a title again and again ponder, indomitable, even if already in this problem spent 10 minutes, also won't go around it. As a result, the last few mathematics question is very simple have no time to do it, because a logical problem caused by falling composition don't have enough time in a hurry to cope with only very low score.

2) English and Chinese composition not dozen draft, the noodles in a great mess, very tired or advocate clean read a teacher can only very reluctantly give up what one favours, give you a low grade eight points below.

3) not to prepare in advance, or stepping ring or admission will be late for a moment, although reason could be stuck in traffic or not to see the day before the examination room, but eventually lose is yourself. Do you think time loss, result, the mood is tense, will do topic are doing wrong or do not to come out.

4) blind optimism, papers in advance. Especially every English exam, always some English feel good molecular cannot hold back, eager to hand, as a result, no serious check, English exam incredibly appeared leakage answer.

5) forget to write exam number and name. Often appear some candidates in order to strive for the time, in the supervisor has just announced the launch of quickly open answer, result answer to answer to tired half dead, answers handed no name - invalid. Poor half a year to review of hard ah.

6) take an examination of a family, the feeling is not good, gave up the back of the exam. In fact, every topic difficulty is different, sometimes you feel bad, others feel worse. Moreover, the choice of mathematics problem you may be a shot in the dark, but maybe just a guess the papers are not well; Mathematical solution each step are score, how do you know with write up a line of words how many points you can get?

7) do when choice until exam also sent five minutes at the end of the nervous moment, just use a pencil to draw together to the answer sheet, the results erroneously, a wrong is a string. Read a teacher does not see your draft paper, this injustice and who can understand? !

8) is about to start the exam, but also with a review material temporary back for a while, dream of sending the examination papers to the first question can use. Little imagine, this recite caused many original remember other content "amnesia", in a short time, and the more anxious either.

9) do not pay attention to read the topic request, wrong a false answer. For example, the topic request a is a problem of paper? With what pen? In a circle or play fork? Is Jane a or details? The composition is limited, more than too much will be given. Logic to choose the best one answer, you can't think like a answers are not appropriate is chosen or choose more than one.

Cheating in the examination room 10). Don't think that the supervisor is a good blinding. Don't think entrance exam like you in the past in the unit title examination so everybody taking will do. Don't put the entrance exam misunderstanding imaging have you ever attend the undergraduate course school to cheat in the exam so comfortable. In fact, every year there are cheating in the exam and was arrested on the spot of the supervisor. This will reassure you study in the future MBA of all possible.

You participate in MBA entrance exam examinee all have more than three years or long or short of work experience, but it also means your examination experience more and more strange. In order to help you successfully test good the key test, especially according to the personal experience and old interview list the following ten MBA candidates in the examination room most easy to make mistakes.

Above ten content, if you the examinee to be able to to beware of, believe that will help you reduce the trouble with many entrance exam, may increase the on-line precious 10 points.

What is the secret of success of the MBA entrance

Say again the exam's difficulty, everyone always quarrel pu to grind and MBA that which is not good, I think there is no significance. Individual needs different ways. Pu to grind a person can't he said MBA easy to take an examination of, so cheap. This is a logical error, for example, that civil service examination is very simple, is all some elementary school mathematics, Chinese writing, not an English examination, do not take an examination of high number, but can you guarantee that you must take an examination of? The answer say, hehe... MBA, too, subject indeed than pu to grind a simple, but can you guarantee can be admitted to tsinghua university? I don't think so. So see a test is difficult, and is not looked that the topic the difficulty, and attention to a very important indexes, the acceptance rate! If pu to grind a professional acceptance rate is 40%, and a good MBA rates may be less than 20%, you tell me which is more difficult to take an examination of? MBA don't look down on pu to grind, think they are all children, find a job to take an examination of general inquiry, we are also come from just graduated, to realize these students difficulty. Maybe they are later we, even more outstanding than we.
Actually don't want to write, but nothing when looked at you write of thing, the feeling is quite good. So also hope to be able to write something, can help some people. I attended the 2011 MBA1 month ennce exam, the result is very good, is not pleasant to hear, 250! As with my glasses degree.
A joke, speaking of read MBA, I also grew up have a ideal, is hope to be able to learn some management knowledge. So in my work 7 years later joined the test force, it is completely in order to realize the dream, and there is no other distracting thoughts. I am not clever, so I am very hard, a few months of hard study, no entertainment, sleep at 12:00 every day. But I don't feel pain, but very happy, because I to struggle for the ideal. Someone ask me, you are so severe, the future is going to become a CEO ah, I always light said, is only a childhood dream just, and no want to after how, can earn much money. So in test before MBA, ask yourself, what you want. If it makes you happy, just to do, or don't do it!!!!!!

Finally tell everyone: take an examination of MBA is not to take an examination of kwame brown, take an examination of high scores, it is just a qualification test, a 180 points and 250 can also admit, you have no difference. The key still need to see the actual work ability, this is the most key. It's getting late, he simply write about it, it is the first time post, welcome to clap brick, also welcomed a lot lower classwoman and I drove to the exchange. Good night!

Three months studying for an MBA equivalent With three months of work experience

Let everyone see the two celebrity is so growth.

One is to teach English li Yang, he read college bad grades, fail in English, then what does he do? He ran to the place where nobody cried to the English.

One is YeMaoZhong advertising, he sold advertising don't sell, he ran home to write a book. Others see and he said is took the book out of the name.

Developed. Actually done this thing people will know, when he put the book came out, can publishing is not important, because he knows that he has changed.

I was also no way out, put all the money to buy the computer, in the home to do for three months this matter, after three months of change is striking, my parents, my part-time company manager, the most important is to myself, feel the change. Completely different.

In fact I write is not a theory, in fact nothing skills, but many books, and then to do more, hard depletion, stick to it, just began to feel no change, no feeling, very tired, insist on not bottom go to, then do to do, it is more and more quick, and then slowly have change.

And what is interesting is, I at home for about three months, do actually don and I are engaged in work no relationship. Just the three months of training, for my logic, structure, global, writing power of expression, oral expression ability have greatly upgrade.

As for income doubled over 5, when a month is eight hundred dollars, then finish the training after the state of the whole people have changed, confident, and then write a plan to apply for, the results into a big company, of course, I also don't want to go to start, because someone just give me 800 / month, also take their own rent a house, eating, feel bad, but the other party for four consecutive months three times call for me, so I went to, the result to regret it, really good company don't care of salary, important is your own ability.

The first months, I made eight thousand pieces, I used to want to all dare not to think of. Then two months turned positive, and have a relationship colleague, spent a year haven't been able to become a full member.

Then each month salary income more than several times, and award twenty thousand, traveling abroad, in fact they are not tired, I came to this company, but also to the other an advertising company part-time, ha ha, very memories of the past.

Now see too many people talk about salary, I don't really like, I this years don't talk about the boss of salary, because say it funny, book high wages, and many deductions.

I only care about the company's distribution way, how to calculate commissions and bonuses, annual salary.

Last month a my age and famous university MBA to now I'm in a small company to apply for, and not willing to miss and personnel to talk about, the boss is not.

I came to talk about, I say ah, with your qualifications I can't talk to you who do to deputy problem, I talk to you about the distribution of the company's way.

In fact our company ordinary employees income is not high, changsha average level, just not favour, weekend two days off, work a full year and a week's annual leave.

But the company a few department person in charge or rich, like I'm thirty years old, a year around 180000 salary, the other I will not clear, there are several I only seeing each other once a week, younger than me, nothing is take more than me. You should also like this it.

He asked 6 one hundred months 'salary, I say this pour is not important, it is important to the company won't give you arrange business, you find business back, company give you platform, give you match team, can earn much money is your skill.

I had said, ask, what do you have in mind? He said there was "no idea, got up and leave.

It is very interesting, you in changsha want to get six thousand one hundred months, you wait for anybody else finds work for you to do, why can't you find project?

Six thousand is a base salary ah, almost 72000 base salary, if this is so, then I count themselves I should get more than two hundred and fifty thousand the annual salary.

Never take base salary and take the salary is not the same.

If you can't take salary, you don't think about what the boss give you less.

Enterprise is to profit, capitalist is to exploitation. The question is, if you are a true can create value, what you create value you can be taken in one's hand.

University graduates, if what experience also have no, only knowledge, no skills, can find a give you several hundred dollars, let you stay here to learn something enterprise should thank the.

If you think this kind of enterprise is not what you want, you while they are in university honest effort to learn and play less and practice more.

I have a summary, money has never been target, but it would be results.

What is "learning"? Learn to learn, learn and practice, learning and become habits.

Optical not learned, that knowledge is only a book, the teacher taught, not your own, only you repeated practice, through quantitative change, just can have qualitative change, when you form conditioned reflex, you will really master this thing.

MBA the workplace concerned about "hidden rules"

MBA the workplace concerned about "hidden rules"

About "execution" books, too much; Can speak "execution" master, too much. But see, hear the return to their own enterprises can solve the problem, too little. Why? The simple things get complicated. Experts thinking is, as if not complex, is not sufficient to prove him to be an expert? If not complex, you again how can take so much money buried single? But the truth often is very simple. Based on the real solution never complex.
Enterprise is to rely on the survival of the results, the process for it has no meaning.

A enterprise only two purposes, is a financial goal, a right and wrong financial purpose. The first is financial goal, then there may be non-financial purpose. Like a person, can talk about glorious future, to talk about great ideal, to talk about personal value, but there is an important premise, must survive.

The so-called executive force, is must pay attention to the results.

The market does not believe the tears, don't believe GuLao, only believe that credit.

A farmer planted a watermelon, because had bought breeding, because often fertilization often care, watermelon grow very well. According to the market price, probably can sell back ten thousand dollars. But it is the unforeseen that night the hail, the farmers carefully cultivated wanted to play for a watermelon soup, farmers, weeping and a, found that there's a watermelon for hiding in a stone next survived. So he take care of this one watermelon. Finally it until it is mature, he held this only watermelon came to the fair. Excuse me: he this only watermelon how much is it?

Can sell ten thousand pieces? Who can say? Don't sell to you?

The reality is, the somebody else a watermelon sold two dollars, he only watermelon also can sell two dollars. The fact cruel but can't change.

The staff is not the owner of the enterprise, the boss is the host of the business. The boss and staff are personality equal employment relationship. The staff is a kind of melon, the boss is to buy the melon. See the melon will pay boss, will sooner or later the enterprise do die. Then, he and his staff together, unemployment! Only like a cheetah and gaze at the results as the enterprise, is the enterprise with the executive force. Otherwise, its system and process are mere form.

How to produce the results you want? Very simple, PDCA cycle.

Pland - plan: no specific target thorough plan, want to have a good result is delusion;

Do - action: a person's fate will not because you plan how much and change, will only because you Do much to change;

Check - Check: staff won't do you want, will only do you Check. No process monitoring, you will only etc to climb to the top of the ladder, found it on the wrong wall;

Act - treatment: ready to reward and maintain, not ready to punishment and improve.

MBA review the success of three months to receive an admission notice

Very glad I received a Beijing 211 college admission notice, here I want to put my experience to share with everybody, want to take an examination of MBA students after the help.

One, my background is introduced:

Undergraduate course not 211, 985 colleges and universities, professional accounting, learning in general, the English four levels of levels. 4 years, very few contact English, duration of work just take an examination of the two title English, although the but also open book, from MBA requirement level there is a certain distance. My major and MBA entrance exam subjects also not even remotely qualified, logic class also did not learn, argumentation and write more bad, mathematics also forget much fruit, but I review for three months, first try achievement is 180 +, not high but also enough, so everyone see me this level can take an examination of, you need not be afraid, a good book can have.

Second, how to choose the school:

School choice must be according to their own actual situation, took me to speak, my situation is units do not give WeiPei agreement signed, but I want to continue to work to earn my tuition, so I can only choose can on-the-job and read the school, the so-called on-the-job read is to enter oneself for an examination time fill "off-job", and then go to school when class with on-the-job read together. These all before enter oneself for an examination call to find out about, don't blind to enter oneself for an examination. Also clear since crossed school retrial is tender early, some schools are very late, if retrial be brush away don't want to go to another school retrial, such as our school ~ ~

Studying for an MBA is like a marathon

Note MBA is a marathon run don't forget yourself for information of the original intention

MBA entrance exam countdown, behind this month time every day do not forget his note's original intention, adhere to the review, and constantly consolation: I review every day, from my dream came near to one day. I every day on the calendar draw a, said nearly a day from the victory. Hold the faith, adhere to in the end!

Many candidates from 3 months or so begin preparations for the MBA material to review, seen many examinee, beginning to feel like to attend MBA entrance exam was very warm, buy the teaching material, the remedial class, in each big MBA BBS above to find material, looking for experience, and the man a warm after cooling, every day busy work and the little things in life, for information review things postponing, that most of the reference appendix friends will appear above the doubt, in the more and more close to the day of the test asked "I now note review have time?"

Note an MBA is an endurance war, a protracted war, who can adhere to the review to the back, who can achieve high grades. According to the MBA entrance exam outline required test range we find that in fact the difficulty and is not very high, are our high school or university studied the content, only in a few years we to review a just, from this point to see above, many examinee's starting point is same, not just review the entire process, some candidates from the reference appendix to the early before the exam to every day in the review, some candidates review three points heat, beginning momentum is very big, to the later strength is small, begin well but end badly, so the gap between two candidates are manifest, and even the examinee to the back of the can have the confidence into the examination room, to give up the exam, this is our most is not willing to see the phenomenon.
Now has entered the end of November, encounter some candidates will ask, I now review can also? A while back to buy material also because work and other reasons didn't study, this review is too late some?