Sunday, 1 July 2012

MBA concern: global five MBA ranking analysis

List is people choose the workplace business "coordinates," list on the market at present numerous, have the financial times FT ranking, the commercial weekly "Forbes' list, and so on, these all what features list? Students how to choose?

British economist information center (EIU)

Every year a global top issued by the business school rankings, of the basis is the alumni and students feedback, and data provided by the school. The top of the main consideration business school how much can meet the students' expectations.

The financial times (FT)

The launch of the year's top business schools list, is based mainly on three years after graduation of alumni of the feedback, the school to provide the data and the research results of the assessment of the business school results.

The three standard is ranked: graduate career development situation, and the school degree of internationalization and the groundbreaking new ideas.

Wall Street journal (WSJ)

The list of MBA graduates is mainly according to the feedback from the employer. The paper released a list of three-the United States of America's area, ranked the ranking and international rankings. A total of 66 American business school and 13 in foreign universities ranking.

The commercial weekly "(BusinessWeek)

Every two years, announced a business school rankings, of the basis is potential graduate students and employers feedback, another school the intellectual capital also accounted for 10% of the score. With the 30 American schools and 10 outside the United States the evaluation and ranking of the business school.

"Forbes" (Forbes)

This list covers 50 American business school and 15 outside of the us business school, of the basis is alumni five years after graduation investment return. "Forbes" will "foreign" business school was divided into two two-year and one-year.