Friday 29 November 2013

Great leadership mindset: six insisted that the most important

There are lots of people do business, why some people succeed, some people can only fail? Mr Liu to his successful experience tells us that the root cause is to stick to two words: whether to insist on your goals, whether there is a strong inner belief, whether there is a will to never give up to reach the goal. Tasted can only close, ultimately nothing. Do you know now what's the problem








There are lots of people do business, why some people succeed, some people can only fail? Liu to his successful experience tells us that the fundamental reason lies in "adhere to the" two words: whether to insist on your goals, whether there is a strong inner belief, whether there is a will to never give up to reach the goal. Tasted can only close, ultimately nothing. Do you know now what's the problem? Is now more project less money, less money many good projects. I hope very much domestic entrepreneurs to overheating in the capital market, in the business market of dazzling, have a stick to the belief.




Only withstand temper, can into won big. Patience and persistence are painful, but it can bring you happiness. Patience is necessary for a career, people who want to get some achievements, you must first learn to endure. Patience can let you experience the happiness of life in the quiet silence, with patience, the steel will be turned into to round and soft. No patience, not gold refining gold and jade can wear jewels.




Persistence is to the negation of despair. Life can never be despair, when you are in trouble, you can't be deterred by present misfortune. Adhere to in the predicament, rise in misfortune, neither can never believe that life is darkness, and also can't always be winter. Standing in the winter of life, confidence to look forward to the spring; Walk in the dark of life through faith calls life dawn. Forbear to endure and stubbornly resisted, trouble will certainly be you conquer. A western scholar wrote: "a person at any time, total want to continuously encourage yourself spiritually. Everything is possible, if you want to go to a new frontier in life, you must first start from the adhere to the". So, as a great leadership should stick to what point of view, can be in an impregnable position? Famous leadership training expert Peng Jie teacher blog ( conclusion:




1, keep learning state of mind




Learning is to supplement energy, first, the input to the output. Especially in the era of knowledge economy, knowledge update cycle shorter, outdated knowledge is equal to the waste, only by constantly learning, constantly absorb energy, in order to adapt to the development of the society, can survive. Must be good at thinking, good at analysis, is good at integration, only in this way can the innovation. Read thousands of books than view, view than read person's innumerable; Read person's innumerable teacher is better than the way, therefore, should follow the winners. By learning to master relevant computer operation, learn to explain MELO company, product. System, the Internet. Participate in various training and learn to make training.




2, adhere to pay a state of mind




Is a causal relationship. Give up is pay, pay a state of mind is the boss. Is to do things for their state of mind, want to know how willing to give up. Of itself is too small fish, big fish, don't loathe to give up. The work mentality, is to deal with. People are reluctant to pay, always save money, save, save trouble, also saved the success finally.




3, insist on a modest attitude




Remove faults, absorbs the advantages. Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. There are words: humility is the highest human achievement. Modesty makes you get respect. The more full grain, the bow.




4, insist on Thanksgiving mentality




Everything around Thanksgiving, including rough, difficult, and our enemies. Things do not exist in isolation, without everything around, there is no your presence. First Thanksgiving our parents, is they took us to the world, second gratitude company gave us such a good platform, our gratitude is again, is he gave you such a good information, but not to help you, encourage you. Thanksgiving our partners, is everyone's effort is our success. To be grateful.




5, adhere to the peace of mind




Life on the road, it may be, may the rough, anyway, we'll always go on. Honour or humiliation,, want to peace of mind to face, less helpless and feeling, much a calm and cool. "Be yourself, and see the courthouse flowers bloom; whether not, watch clouds scud across the sky." Put the heart flat, life is a docile body of water; Put the heart light, life is a cloud of comfortable.




Live peace, can hold full of happiness in your mind. Peaceful people, put down, see more open, want to know, have a free and easy. Can let, can endure, can make, can forgive, calmly. If a person, thought is connected fully, act will be prudent, inner elements ty, have the desire and not cling to desire, have but not limited to, live free and easy, live at ease. Live peace, my heart steadfast serene, cloud to pass more blue, the ship line water more deep and remote.




6, adhere to the sunshine state of mind




Sunlight is the most light, the best things in the world, it can repel dark and damp, warm our body and mind, and mind to our thoughts, words and deeds have guidance and control function. Mentality of subtle differences between people can produce the vast difference between the success and failure! The people see failure as a stepping stone of sunshine, negative people see failure as a stumbling block. Sunshine can see opportunity in the hardship, negative people sees the hardship in the opportunity. The people with the attitude decides success or failure of sunshine, negative people decide attitude with success or failure. The people with mind control the fate of sunshine, negative people by the destiny control. Dickens once said: "a person's sunshine state of mind, more powerful than one hundred kinds of wisdom."




Life needs to be strong, strong can be unlimited extension, any hardship is difficult to resist the tough hard to resist. Has a strong personality traits have enough spirit to cope with any challenge in life. For rong family businesses had to create the brilliant, were praised. "Rong family enterprise history tells us that" the prosperity of rong, the true wrangles, but is precious rong zongjing and wonderful brothers two people and in front of all kinds of blow, difficulty and the setback, never retreat, never discouraged, always calm in the face of reality, unswervingly development path, from small to large, from weak to strong, has finally become one of the most influential enterprise group in China.




Insist, the strength of the most essential is that it can enhance the strength of the will. So, even if want to far away, he can afford to look forward to; Even as Tchaikovsky said "whenever see the distant light of hope will set in the fate of the hammer hit repeatedly", he will be strong and determined; Process complex, he will calm calm, in tolerance, patience, calm contemplation blustery, let the wind and waves, the so-called in diaoyutai state guesthouse. From this perspective, insist on is also a kind of composed, a tolerance, a kind of commitment.




People must be time to grasp the direction of the yourself, don't let yourself get lost in the boundless and lose the direction, the tedious daily life often make us stressed, tired, unfair treatment, let us angry, but this can not be used as an excuse to we willing to mediocrity, we need to find a suitable for their own direction, and it is written in your heart, always use it to give us life navigation, only in this way of life is the meaning of life, life not only, strive!




Success comes from persistence! Any success is perseverance, persistent effort in, only three minutes heat work of the people will never be successful, because his time and energy is wasted in the constant change. Friend let us grasp own direction, have a heart of perseverance, to conquer yourself, win the world!